We have developed a set of materials to help you understand how to use your Fintwist card and help answer the common questions you might have.
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With Fintwist, you can have your wages direct deposited to your card every payday so you can receive your funds faster and safer than getting paid via check.
No Monthly Minimums: Fintwist paycards don’t have a monthly minimum or account fees like traditional bank accounts do.
Receive your funds faster: With a Fintwist card, your funds are automatically loaded onto your card within hours of being paid so you don’t have to wait for a check to arrive.
Access Cash Free: Your employees can access cash surcharge-free at select Allpoint ATMs.
More Flexibility: Fintwist paycards offer more flexibility than many other paycards. Employees can use their paycard to make purchases, withdraw cash, pay bills, and more. They can also access their funds through ATMs, point-of-sale transactions, and online purchases.
Dedicated Support: Fintwist provides dedicated customer support to help answer any questions or concerns your employees or you may have. This ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience for everyone involved.
Your Card is Portable: You can easily set up direct deposit with any employer by providing the routing and account number associated with your Fintwist card. It’s a seamless way to keep all your payments where you want them – in one place.
Here are some frequently asked questions about your Fintwist card. Still not getting the answer you need? Call our support line at (888) 265-8228
Please note that there may be an issue with the assigning of card or DOB in the system. If you encounter any issues, please contact your manager or IPT.
There are different ways you can check your balance but what is most important to point out is how you should NOT check your balance at an ATM, even an in-network ATM, as this will incur a fee.
To check your balance and not incur a fee you can:
You should immediately call cardholder support at 1-888-265-8228 and file a dispute with our support line.
Receive text messages when money is added to your card and after each time you approve a transaction. You will get transaction details including balance with each text message! To enroll you can call 1.888.265.8228 to enroll.
Our most common fees are using an out-of-network ATM, checking your balance, and purchasing fees.
Out-of-Network ATMs
When you use an out-of-network ATM to get cash you will incur a fee. Make sure you are using an in-network ATM. On the Fintwist mobile app, you can navigate to Menu > ATM Locator and it will show you all the in-network ATMs closest to you. You can also visit allpointnetwork.com to view all of their locations.
Checking Your Balance
When checking your balance it’s important to NOT use an ATM regardless if it’s in-network or not as doing so will incur a fee. Use the Fintwist mobile app to check your balance instead as it’s an easy way to always know how much is in your account and since it’s on your phone you can access it at any time. You can also sign up for our text alerts so that you’re notified after every purchase of what your balance is. Lastly, you can call the number on the back of your card and receive your balance that way.
Purchasing Fees
When making purchases it’s important to click “Credit” vs “Debit” on the card terminal and sign for your purchase vs using your pin so that you can avoid purchasing fees. If you are in need of cash back then you will need to choose the Debit option, but this is a low-cost way to get cash.
There are many ways to avoid fees, if you’re curious on what all fees are associated with your Fintwist card, you can reference your fee schedule that came with your card or your employer should have a copy.
On the Fintwist mobile app, you can navigate to Menu > ATM Locator and it will show you all the in-network ATMs closest to you. You can also visit allpointnetwork.com to view their locations. Reminder that not all Allpoint ATMs are in-network. An in-network ATM will never charge you a fee, so if you are about to incur a fee then that ATM is not in-network. We recommend using ATMs at Target, CVS, Walgreens, and Speedways.
Each Fintwist cardholder has access to Complementary Mastercard Services. Learn more here: https://mastercardus.idprotectiononline.com/enroll/home
If your card was stolen or lost you can use the Fintwist mobile app to suspend your card and then report it as lost or stolen. On the home screen of your app you will see “Manage Cards” click this and then toggle on the button next to “Suspend Card” this will make it to where your card is not usable. Then you will want to click on “Report Lost/Stolen” so that you can get a replacement card.
You can also call our support line at 888-265-8228 and report your card this way.
While we don’t have a confirmed timeline yet, we are actively exploring the integration of Apple Pay and Google Wallet to enhance convenience for our users. Stay tuned for updates!
Use these assets to help you promote the Fintwist Paycard
Need help activating your card? Download this flyer for the entire activation process.
Important information about your Fintwist card and helpful Do's and Don'ts to using your card.
Download our Fintwist mobile app to help you stay updated on all transactions and spending habits.
Here are some tips on how to prevent fraud as well as steps to take when you find a possible fraudulent transaction.
Work anywhere, get paid anywhere - your paycard moves with you! Learn more about your paycards portability.
For the fastest assistance please call our cardholder support line at (888) 265-8228
*We accept operator relay calls. If you are deaf, hearing impaired, or have a speech disability, please call for assistance.